Our manifesto
TMR – Tuscany Music Revolution is a improvisation ensemble with some of the best musicians from all across Europe
and a creative residency dedicated to exploring new ways
of making music through free improvisation
TMR – since 2019, founded in Tuscany, Italy
We stand against walls both in art and in life

TMR Duets out now!
TMR Duets feat.
Virginia Sutera, violin
Michele Mazzini, clarinets
Ermanno Novali, piano
Federico Calcagno, clarinets
Andrea Bolzoni, electric guitar
Alberto Braida, piano
Lorenzo D’Erasmo, frame drums
Luca Pissavini, double bass
Salvo Scucces, vibraphone
Simone di Benedetto. double bass
Gabriele Lattuada, percussion
Stefano Grasso, drums and percussion
Music improvised by TMR Tuscany Music Revolution
Recorded live at Buonconvento, Tuscany on Summer 2019
by Diego Bergamini – Reparto Elettroacustica
Mix and master by Ermanno Novali
Artwork & layout by Sandro Crisafi
Logo and brand by Gabriele Rossi- Romel Design Studio
Produced by TMR Tuscany Music Revolution and Aut Records

also available
Music improvised by TMR Tuscany Music Revolution
Recorded live at Buonconvento, Tuscany on Summer 2019 during the first TMR artistic residency
Recording mix and master by Diego Bergamini – Reparto Elettroacustica
Photo by TMR
Artwork & layout by Sandro Crisafi
Logo and brand by Gabriele Rossi- Romel Design Studio
Produced by TMR Tuscany Music Revolution and Aut Records

Artistic residency & TMR Impro Festival 2023

TMR Artistic Residency
July 18-23 – Buonconvento
TMR Impro Festival 2023

July 20 – Vitaleta Chapel (SI)
h 21. Concert & astronomical lecture
in collaboration with the Astronomical Observatory of the University of Siena
book here https://tinyurl.com/vitaleta2023
July 22 – San Gimignano (SI)
h 21 Night soundwalk and, at the end,
final concert in Rocca di Montestaffoli
July 23 – Buonconvento (SI)
h 21 Concert at Museo della Mezzadria
photo: Davide Borghi
TMR crew
click for bio and social
We are
Virginia Sutera, violin
Michele Mazzini, clarinets
Ermanno Novali, piano and keyboards
Federico Calcagno, clarinets
Andrea Bolzoni, electric guitar
Alberto Braida, piano and keyboards
Lorenzo D’Erasmo, frame drums
Luca Pissavini, double bass
Dudu Kouate, percussions
Salvo Scucces, vibraphone
Simone Di Benedetto. double bass
Gabriele Lattuada, percussions
Stefano Grasso, drums and percussions
Cèlia Tort Pujol, oboe
Silvia Cignoli, electric guitar and electronics
Pietro Elia Barcellona, double bass
Francesca Remigi, drums
Flora Carbo, saxophone
Press review
Contact the revolution
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